THE BUZZzzz......
***"Miss Ellen! Miss Ellen! Your book is CRACK! I"m addicted! When can I get Book Two! It is CRACK!" -- teenager, CM
*** website comment: o.k. I love the twilight series and sookie stackhouse vampire series…Tell me where I can buy all 4 of these to read they sound great !! Can I get autographed copies too!! Thanks for invite [to the FaceBook Fan Club] !! Let me know what I owe and I'll get the check in the mail." --JSR
*** "WHHOOO HOOOO. On chapter 9 now and I know the "good" stuff is coming soon!! Gotta take a dip in the pool, cook dinner, do laundry, then return back to reading. Awesome so far and a great "attention getter". I bore easily when it comes to reading books, but I'm not even finished with the first one and I am already eagerly wanting to read the second one!!! GREAT JOB ELLEN!!!!" --NB (this reader had an advance-copy--ecm)
*** (FaceBook) “I really, really want to continue reading this book today, I want to shuck all my duties and read all day!! I will see how long I can get away with it.... ;o)” --MLH (this reader had an advance-copy--ecm)
*** FaceBook “I am enjoying reading this AWESOME book and listening to Enigma's music low in the background - this book - I can't put it down and for me that is something, cuz I really do not like to read much at all.” --MMH (this reader helped me edit the book---ecm)
*** WEBSITE FEEDBACK "I cannot wait to read this book!!! This is VERY exciting!!" --MT
*** FB teen pre-reader: "WOW, tony is defintely my fav character! all the characters have such a depth, i feel like i know them, and i could almost feel mark's pain and struggle as he tried to remember his past, and omg you're the bomb!" CM